Zebra Tales

Andres '24

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Groton activities: Cross country, track and field, ICAP (International Community Advising Program) board member, Circle Talk Speakers Committee, Black-Latinx Alliance head

Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: No aspect of Groton was more surprising and unique than the dorm dynamic. I was impressed by the close-knit community we became in only a few months. My dorm prefects made my first year at Groton all the more special and fun—not only were they mentors and guides, they became some of my closest friends. I was extremely surprised at how close I became to them. 
Favorite classes: My favorite class during Fourth Form was World and the West. This course speeds through world history and includes writing two research papers. I loved being able to learn about different cultures, while also being challenged with researching and writing essays.

Most memorable Groton moment: During winter term, my closest friends and I took a whole Sunday to hike to a broken bridge a few miles from Groton. After getting lost, finding our way, and blasting music, the whole adventure was unforgettable.

Favorite Dining Hall food: Chicken fingers with barbecue sauce

Favorite place to study: The “bubbles" on the third floor of the Schoolhouse

List of 8 news stories.

  • Food on the Circle

    As my Fifth Form year begins to come to a close, the amount of exams and homework is definitely increasing, but the warm weather makes it all worth it. As a celebration for finishing this year's Advanced Placement (AP) exams, two friends and I ordered some food to de-stress.
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  • Harvard Model Congress!

    As part of the Model Congress Club on campus, I spent the past weekend at Harvard’s Model Congress (HMC) in Boston. Model Congress is a type of debate where one represents a senator or representative in a mock-congressional session. This weekend was especially noteworthy for two reasons: the academic learning I had during the conferences and the memories I created exploring Boston with my classmates.
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  • Christmas Cookies!

    Since the beginning of this year, I've had the awesome responsibility of being the head of the Black & Latinx Alliance (BLA). This affinity group is focused on creating and strengthening the Black and Latinx community on the Circle, so we are always organizing fun events to bring this community together. Because the holiday season was approaching, my co-heads and I decided it was the perfect moment to organize Christmas cookie baking and decorating!
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  • La Roma neighborhood

    Thanksgiving in Mexico City

    After an intense and study-filled exam week, I was excited to escape the cold New England weather to sunny, warm Mexico City. I spent the next ten days of break doing a combination of three things: eating, catching up with family, and, of course, cheering Mexico’s national soccer team.
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  • Welcoming Roberto to the Circle

    One of the most exciting aspects of starting my Fifth Form (junior) year was that my younger brother would join me at Groton as a Second Former (eighth grader). I was thrilled with the idea that I would have my brother’s company. As I anticipated his arrival on campus, I got ready to ensure that Roberto (‘27) would feel welcomed and at home as he started his first year on the Circle. 
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  • Decorating My Room

    When I arrived back on campus after three months, I was eager to reconnect with my friends, begin the cross country season, and decorate my new room. One of the quintessential boarding school experiences is to personalize your dorm room, and I was lucky enough to get a two-story room; my roommate (Zack ‘24) and I had so much space to fill! Therefore, Zack and I got to work in order to make our room feel cozy, homey, and unique.
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  • Summer School?!

    Since middle school, I have always been intrigued by foreign affairs, policy, and international relations. Therefore, this summer I decided to apply to a two-week international affairs and development course with the New York Times. The course was in Washington, DC, where I met many interesting people and had the opportunity to explore a new city.
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  • Traveling with my siblings

    By far, the biggest challenges of attending boarding school are living far from my family and finding the time to continue fostering memories with my siblings. Therefore, my two older siblings and I decided that this summer was the perfect time to pack a bag, board a flight, and explore the world. For a whole month, just the three of us backpacked, jumping from city to city by bus or train, through Europe!
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List of 9 news stories.

  • Writing a Research Paper

    A major milestone for a Fourth Former at Groton is to complete two research papers for World and the West, a year-long history class. These research papers take months of hard work and are a big accomplishment for those taking World and the West. Over the last three months, I wrote my second research paper for this class, and it was an amazing project.
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  • Walking back from the boathouse!

    Spring is Here!

    After a few months of a snow-filled Circle, there is nothing better than to hear the birds chirping and see blooming flowers all around campus. The Circle, once covered in snow, is now full of students enjoying the green grass and sunshine (and the view of the Schoolhouse!). Once it hits 80 degrees, my friends and I know it’s time for a quick trip to the boathouse.
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  • Me, Ian '21, and Rufus '21


    For this term’s afternoon activity, I decided to try winter running. Although most people might not find the cold, windy, and snowy New England winter the right weather for a run, the adventure of running through the picturesque snow-filled Groton trails seemed like the perfect challenge for me. After a whole term of running, the winter running team hosted a half-marathon to end the amazing season.
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  • Open Skate!

    Saturday nights at Groton are exceptional. After everyone finishes school and their games, it is the perfect opportunity to take a break and have some fun! This weekend my friends and I decided to go to the opening basketball game and open skate to relax after our first week back.
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  • Surviving Exam Week

    As fall term came to an end, a mix of excitement and nervousness filled the atmosphere. Thanksgiving break seemed so close, yet the hardest week of fall term was quickly approaching: Exam Week. Although I am a Fourth Former (sophomore), this was my first ever exam week, as exams were canceled last year due to COVID.
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  • Beat St. Mark's!

    There was no better way to begin the cross-country season than for our second race to be against St Mark's, our rival school, as well as Rivers and BB&N.
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  • Celebrating Mexican Independence Day on the Circle

    Less than two weeks after arriving to the Circle, even before the leaves started to change to fall colors, it was time (at least back home) to celebrate Mexico’s independence. I was both surprised and touched that I was able to bring a small tradition to my friends in Fourth Form.
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  • A Month in the Moroccan Mountains

    For the month of July, I was extremely lucky, alongside fifteen other students, to take a service trip to the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains. 
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  • Groton Friends in Mexico

    The highlight of my summer was undoubtedly the first two weeks of break. Right as summer started, four friends and I traveled to Mexico, my home country. Although I was extremely nervous for my Groton friends to meet my family and friends, the trip could not have been more fun and memory-creating. 
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